Rajkumar Multi-Utility Wood Chipper and Shredder
The Multi-utility Wood Chipper and Shredder RJK-MUWCS-3/7.5/10 is one of the offered model of Wood Chipper Machines which as the name suggests is a multi-utility machine, used for chipping and shredding of the biomass industry requisite raw materials, for preparing composts from garden wastes, animal feed, for varied food products and spices etc. Hence, this machine is widely popular because of its multi-utility applications. This machine can be fed with tree trunks, tree branches, tree leaves, twigs, soyabean stalks, cotton stalks, waste veneer, wooden blocks, wooden slabs, wooden planks, tree hides, animal feed, raw materials for preparing biomass or composts and other forestry wastes ranging from 1.5 to 2.5 inch of diameter in size.
Rajkumar Super Power Wood Chipper
The Super Power Wood Chipper is one of the offered model of Wood Chipper Machines which is suitable for not only chipping and cutting wood but can also perform similar actions over non-lignin raw-materials also. This machine can be fed with tree trunks, tree branches, tree leaves, twigs, bamboo, soyabean stalks, cotton stalks, wooden blocks, wooden slabs, wooden planks, log core, waste veneer, tree hides, animal feed, raw materials for preparing biomass, flax pole, bulrush, round logs, square blocks and other forestry wastes ranging from 5 to 8 inch of diameter in size. Thus, this machine is an ideal choice for chipping of all kinds of wood scrapes.
Rajkumar Wood Log Cutter
The Wood Log Cutter is one of the offered model of Wood Chipper Machines which as the name suggests is a suitable machine to be used for cutting wood logs. This wood log cutter machine is well adaptable to the needs of the wood logs processing industry. The machine can be fed with wood logs, square blocks, wood staffs, branches, stems and fiber stem material like bamboo, straw, corn and sorghum stalks and other stalk like materials having a diameter size of 50 mm and moisture content below 30%. The output obtained can be upto maximum 100 mm.