Shreeji Eliziio Wooden Panels 101
A smart variety of designs
Loads of ingenuity, thoughtfulness and foresight go into every
shape of Eliziio Wooden Panels. So that shaping up your luxe
spaces gets easier for you! feel the touch of
Class & Sophistication
Eliziio’s high-quality Wooden Panels are available in
a plethora of textures & finishes, including wooden,
metallic, paint, fabric and more. Lightweight and
layered with advanced coating for robust protection,
the surfaces are effortless to install and simple to
maintain. -
JAI CNC Router J-1325 VT (L-ATC)
JAI CNC Router J-1325 VT (L-ATC)
CNC Router with Linear Auto Tool Changer & Vacuum Table
Salient Features :-
- The bed is made of square steel, analyzed and designed with heavy duty structure, relieving stress, so the working table is more stable
- Transmitting system parts with long years work, it can guarantee high precision and less machinery gap.
- Working table is vacuum table.7.5Kw vacuum pump is Air Type.
- Double linear bearing to drive the Y shaft, which improve speed and more stable, it can cut repeatedly.
- High speed and efficiency, empty speed is up to 50000/min, for engraving wave plank, the speed can reach 20000mm/min.
- Auto lubrication makes maintenance much easier.
- Compatible Software: Compatible various CAD/CAM software like; Art Cam/ Type3
Canadian Wood Species Western Hemlock
Canadian Wood Species Western Hemlock
Western Hemlock is an outstanding wood for mouldings and interior woodworking. It is a perfect option for joinery and millwork such as doors, windows, and other appearance products because of its durability, light colour, and freedom from pitch and resin. Hemlock has found a solid market in India for furniture and is recommended for solid doors and door frames. Interior panelling in Hemlock gives a plush look to any space.
Canadian Wood Species Yellow-Cedar
Canadian Wood Species Yellow-Cedar
Yellow-Cedar is one of the world?s most durable woods with exceptional longevity. Its even fine even texture makes it a top choice for wood carving and turning. In India it has proven popular for door frames, solid wood doors and windows and manufacturing. It is also an excellent wood species for furniture, both indoors and outdoors.
COSTAA Elite Class Plywood
Make way for the authority in finesse & style, with durability that stands apart! Designed for EXTREME INTERIOR and MODERATE EXTERIOR applications, especially at places where the usage of water is moderately high, these plywoods are hot pressed with Gurjan Core ? a strong and classic wood!
COSTAA Business Class Plywood
A quirky mix of two. Creative, popular & durable, this is the avant-garde ply that always does it differently! A true value for money product, these are a perfect mix of Gurjan and other imported Hardwoods which have been successfully tested in laboratories to produce a fine blend that works every single time!
COSTAA Economy Class Plywood
Strong, stable & dependable ? these are the ones you can always count on. Composed of 100% imported Hardwoods only and bonded with Aminoplast Resin, this product is not only durable but also highly affordable ? the perfect companion for the core necessities!
COSTAA Block Board BWP
A laboratory tested balanced mix of Solid Wood Strips and Wood Veneers, and manufactured with 100% Gurjan Core, chemically Treated/ Kiln Dried New Zealand Radiata Pine strips, bonded with high quality Phenol Formaldehyde resin, COSTAA Block Boards are an extremely stable product with zero warping or bending!
COSTAA ?Elite Class Block Boards? is a perfect product for balanced mix of use of both Solid Wood Strips and Wood Veneers. Manufactured with 100% Gurjan 2.5 mm Core and finest of treated kiln Dried New Zealand Radiate Pine strips bonded with high quality Phenol Formaldehyde resin. COSTAA Block Boards is a really stable product with no warping, uniform thickness and Borer / Termite attack proof.
COSTAA Flush Door IS 2202
COSTAA ?Flush Doors? is designed and manufactured with Gurjan Hardwood Core and Kiln Dried Chemically treated New Zealand Pine Lumbers with high quality Phenol Formaldehyde resin.
COSTAA Danish White Ash Hardwood
The heartwood is a light brown color, though darker shades can also be seen, which is sometimes sold as Olive Ash. Has a medium to coarse texture similar to oak. The grain is almost always straight and regular, though sometimes curly or figured boards can be found. Ring-porous; large earlywood pores 2-4 rows wide, small latewood pores solitary and radial multiples of 2-3; tyloses common; growth rings distinct; rays barely visible without lens; parenchyma banded (marginal), paratracheal parenchyma around latewood pores vasicentric, aliform, and confluent.
COSTAA Belgian Sycamore Hardwood
Similar to maple, the wood of Sycamore trees is predominantly comprised of the sapwood, with some darker heartwood streaks also found in most boards. (Though it is not uncommon to also see entire boards of heartwood too.) The sapwood is white to light tan, while the heartwood is a darker reddish brown. Sycamore also has very distinct ray flecks present on quartersawn surfaces?giving it a freckled appearance?and it is sometimes even called ?Lacewood,? though it bears little botanical relation to the tropical species of Lacewood.
COSTAA French White Oak Hardwood
Open, coarse grain with light tan color. White or creamy veins occasionally occur. Simultaneously elegant and rustic, the white oak suggests firmness and resilience. It will blend in quite nicely if other oak elements such as cabinetry or floorings exist but it will also go well along teak, chestnut or yellow pine. It makes especially a great presence within antique or heritage decorations. Hard, dense and heavy, with great wear resistance. Despite being a rather stiff wood, it shows a very good shock absorbance.
COSTAA Swedish Red Oak Hardwood
Heartwood is a light to medium brown, commonly with a reddish cast. Nearly white to light brown sapwood is not always sharply demarcated from the heartwood. Quartersawn sections display prominent ray fleck patterns. Conversely, White Oak tends to be slightly more olive-colored, but is by no means a reliable method of determining the type of oak. Grain is straight, with a coarse, uneven texture. The pores are so large and open that it is said that a person can blow into one end of the wood, and air will come out the other end: provided that the grain runs straight enough.
COSTAA African Ebony Hardwood
Ebony is a dense black wood, most commonly yielded by several species in the genus Diospyros, but may also refer to other heavy, black (or dark colored) woods from unrelated species. Ebony is dense enough to sink in water. It is finely-textured and has a very smooth finish when polished, making it valuable as an ornamental wood. Species of ebony include Diospyros ebenum (Ceylon ebony), native to southern India and Sri Lanka; Diospyros crassiflora (Gabon ebony), native to western Africa; and Diospyros celebica (Makassar ebony), native to Indonesia and prized for its luxuriant, multi-colored wood grain.
COSTAA German Beech Hardwood
The color is light cream with darker heartwood, something between maple and ash. The grain is short, mostly straight, with fine, even texture. Beech wood imparts definite warmth to the environment and has the ability to make the interior look more spacious. Furniture manufacturers and cabinet makers figured out the trick for quite a while; that?s one of the reasons many pieces of furniture designed for small habitats such as apartments are so often veneered with beech wood. Dense, heavy and hard (1300 on the Janka scale) yet somewhat brittle due to its short grain.
COSTAA African Wenge Hardwood
Heartwood is a very dark brown with black streaks. Upon application of a wood finish (particularly an oil-finish) the wood can become nearly black. Grain is straight, with a very coarse texture. Low natural luster. Diffuse-porous; large pores in no specific arrangement; solitary and radial multiples of 2-3; brown mineral deposits occasionally present; growth rings distinct; rays not visible without lens; parenchyma vasicentric to confluent, with wide bands of parenchyma typically as thick as the pores. Very durable, and resistant to termite attack.
COSTAA American Hornbeam Hardwood
Hornbeam?s sapwood is very thick, with most boards and lumber being comprised entirely of sapwood. Color is nearly white. Pale yellowish brown heartwood isn?t clearly demarcated from sapwood.
COSTAA American Cherry Hardwood
Cherry is known as being one of the best all-around woods for workability. It is stable, straight-grained, and machines well. The only difficulties typically arise if the wood is being stained, as it can sometimes give blotchy results?using a sanding sealer prior to staining, or using a gel-based stain is recommended. Sapwood is common, and may contribute to a high wastage factor.
COSTAA American Walnut Hardwood
The sapwood of walnut is creamy white, while the heartwood is light brown to dark chocolate brown, occasionally with a purplish cast and darker streaks. Walnut can be supplied steamed, to darken sapwood or left unsteamed. The wood is generally straight grained, but sometimes with wavy or curly grain that produces an attractive and decorative figure.
COSTAA Nz Radiata Pine Softwood
Radiata pine heartwood is an even, light brown to chestnut brown colour, the sapwood is creamy white. Resin canals are present as fine brown lines in the latewood part of the growth rings, especially on radial surfaces, and these can be a handy means of identification. Texture is fine but uneven.
The contrast in colour and texture between early and latewood bands (growth rings) in flat-sawn timber is relatively moderate compared with other pines and conifer species. The veneer has a moderate-to-high lustre. Common features in most Pinus species, including radiata pine, are: knots, cone stem holes and pine-needle flecks. Radiata pine is a versatile and readily available timber, suitable for a wide variety of end-use applications. It produces wood that is very acceptable to the construction industry. The bark is rich in tannins and suitable for use in the manufacture of adhesives; it also contains some wax, which may have possible use in water repellents. It is suitable for framing, industrial uses, posts, cladding, decking, interior finishes and trims, and everyday furniture. Radiata does not begin to form heartwood until it is about 15 years old and forms it at the rate of one ring every two years. Most of the wood, therefore, is easy-to-dry and easy-to-treat sapwood. This is an advantage over many Northern Hemisphere conifers, which are largely heartwood.
Span Floors Engineered Floors CLASSIC BRONZE OP
Our love with wood floors started in the year 2000. Since the beginning we had a passion to bring only the best, both in terms of design as well as quality. This may sound ?cliched? but a look at our products and you would agree. We believe that when customers choose to install our designer floors, they should be satisfied with that choice for years to come. That is why we put a lot of our energy in researching & knowing ?wood? and the various ways it can be crafted into beautiful, healthy, sustainable and long lasting floors! The next step is to ensure that all this knowledge is shared with our expert sales staff and the execution team so that they can help our customers in making the right choice. And last but not the least, our support team is always there during the entire life cycle of your floor should you ever need us.
Amar Decor Wardrobe Bakelite Sheet
We are the prominent manufacturer, supplier and exporter of premium quality Cherry Door Skin Laminate Sheets. Our products are highly appreciated by the customers due to its durability and high performance. We use advanced technology in the production of these goods and manufacture it as per the demand of the customers. Moreover we deliver these products on time to the clients.
Bombay Babool Wood
We are amongst the most dependable enterprise actively occupied in offering a comprehensive array of Babool Wood that is from Maharashtra. Our offered babool wood is extensively used for making various kinds of furniture items like windows, doors, wardrobes, tables, etc. Being a quality-oriented organization, we test the entire assortment upon numerous quality parameters in line with the industry defined guidelines & norms. Apart from this, these products are accessible in various sizes, widths, lengths and packaging options as per the need of our customers.
AHEC Europe American Sycamore
AHEC Europe American Sycamore
The sapwood of sycamore is white to light yellow, while the heartwood is light to dark brown. The wood has a fine close texture with interlocked grain. It is not related in any way to European sycamore (Acer pseudoplatanus), but it has the same family classification, and similar characteristics to European plane (Platanus orientalis). Contrasts well with other species.
Akshara Teak Wood Door
We are manufacturer and supplier of best in class wooden doors, teakwood doors, main entrance doors, designer doors, veneer doors, teak fusion doors.
Based in South India and having its corporate office in Bangalore we offer high quality engineered wooden doors that are asthetically beautiful in specifications, sizing and design. Woodside’s wooden doors comes with a lifetime warranty against any water rotting, termites, fungus, algea or warpping. Our door compostions are made with proper research and has passed all the industry standard testing parameters against warping, water rotting, and paint coatings. -
Akshara Designer Teak wood Main
Akshara teak wood door frames are unmatchable as they withstand all weathers with ease and last as long as the building.These are termite and water proof and last much longer than UPVC and metal frames available. Teak door frames truly last for generations to come and is a true gift to house owners who installs these in their premium houses.These door frames are not as expensive in true terms.
Akshara Teak Doors Carving Designs
We manufacture designer teak wood doors of grade 1 teak which is termite, borer and water proof for lifetime. Our designer teak wood door range is the customers first choice, as we offer modern teakwood door designs and patterns which are truly distinct. Our satisfied customers provide us repeated orders is a proof of confidence of flawless teak wood quality doors which we keep offering always.
Alpha Waterproof Particle Board
We manufacture and supply the supreme quality of Waterproof Particle Board , which is manufactured from quality assured and top grade wood chips and sawmill shavings.
Alpha Eco Friendly Particle Board
Supported by a team of innovative and creative seasonal professionals, we have made an outstanding success in this domain by manufacturing and supplying Eco Friendly Particle Board .
Alpha Plain Particle Board
Supported by a team of innovative and creative seasonal professionals, we have made an outstanding success in this domain by manufacturing and supplying Eco Friendly Particle Board .
Alpha Melamine Faced Boards
Sincerity and relentless efforts of our team of seasonal experts has helped us in manufacturing and supplying the best quality of Melamine Faced Boards
Assam Colored Acrylic Plastic Sheets
We are one of the eminent firms, offering high quality Colored Acrylic Plastic Sheets. Known for its dimensional accuracy, the provided plastic sheet is designed by our capable professionals, utilizing the best possible quality material which has excellent resistant to ultraviolet radiation. Also, the plastic sheet is well examined on various quality parameters to warranty its quality attributes.
Assam Acrynate Acrylic Panel
The premium range of high gloss acrylic panels from Granium, by the house of Aludecor. The distinctive features of Acrynate that makes it Superior and go-to product are – colour fastness,high gloss, durable, no chip material.
Assam Wooden Flooring
Green floormax comes in a wide variety of colour and texture that creates an ambience like no other.The surface designs have been hand picked in collaboration with renowned designersfrom Europe and crafted with a passion that reflects in unique character of Green Floormax wooden flooring.
Assam Green Ply Plywood
We are ranked amongst the noteworthy manufacturer, exporter and supplier of a qualitative array of Plywood. Our offered plywood can be extensively used in ceilings, floorings, furniture parts, wall panels and panel inserts. This plywood is designed from the high quality of material & modern techniques in compliance with the standards of market. Provided plywood is obtainable in customized options as per the variegated needs of customers.
Assam PVC Edge Banding Tape
We are widely engaged in providing quality PVC Edge Binding Tape to our prestigious clients. This tape is used to join tow surfaces in PVC products like tape, tape and more. The clients appreciate offered products owing to its cost-effectiveness, safe and quality stickiness. We provide it in leak proof bottle packaging in standard size. Further, our clients can avail this glue at budget friendly price.
Decent Camel Naturescape Door MCP-6
Decent Laminates Pvt Ltd. was established. It ventured into commercial plywood in the year 1985. The year also saw Mr. Patel?s eldest son Mr. Prakash Patel taking over the mantle of the industry. In come other sons Mr. Mukund Patel and Mr. Navneet Patel to lend their support in marketing and other administrative skills. With time, a major expansion saw the industry producing various kinds of laminate sheets. A variety of Laminates ranging from 0.5mm to 40.00mm thickness with size of 2440 mm x 1220mm (8ft x 4ft) and attractive designs in Glossy, Matt, Suede finish; and services domestic, office establishments, industrial needs and so on. The factory of Decent Laminates is spread over 7 acres making it convenient for execution of large-volume, manifold-quality products with strict quality control measures. With state-of-the-art equipment and machinery and a team of qualified technical staff of 150, the factory is fully equipped to cater to any toll demands from clients.
Oren Solid Wood Shutters
As the name suggests, Oren?s Solid Wood Shutters are manufactured using solid wood such as Teakwood, Rubberwood etc. of the finest quality. Extremely elegant and highly durable, these offer superior style to give your living spaces the look and feel of a modern day masterpiece. Equal attention is paid to every single unit ensuring consistency in quality. Extra emphasis is laid on finishing to ensure only the best reaches you. Please Note : Image is for Illustration Purpose Only.
Oren Laminates Shutters
Four Side Edge Bending Laminate Shutter are Stylish, Sleek and Strong. Oren’s Four Side Edge Bending Laminate Shutter adds that element of panache to your living spaces. Manufactured using the finest quality 16mm Marin Ply and coated with 0.6mm Postform Laminate and 0.6mm White Laminate, make elegance an integral part of your interiors. Boasting of a 2mm edgeband and held together by extremely potent Hotmelt Glue, get ready to decorate your spaces with unmatched quality and unbelievable beauty. Please Note : Images are for Illustration Purpose Only.
Canadian Wood Species Douglas-Fir
Canadian Wood Species Douglas-Fir
Douglas-fir has a long-standing reputation for its distinctive natural attributes, including strength and beauty. It is commonly used for building and construction purposes due to its extraordinary strength-to-weight ratio and availability in large dimensions. In India it has found a market in solid doors and door frames, furniture and general millwork and is highly recommended in post and beam construction.
Canadian Wood Species Western Red Cedar
Canadian Wood Species Western Red Cedar
Western Red Cedar is a popular Canadian species for outdoor furniture and projects including playground equipment. It exhibits outstanding decay and termite resistance along with dimensional stability. The appealing colour palette, light weight and soft texture makes it popular for various interior applications as well. Its flexibility and versatility enables its usage in roof shingles, exterior siding & cladding, greenhouses and saunas.
Canadian Wood Species Spruce-Pine-Fir SPF
Canadian Wood Species Spruce-Pine-Fir SPF
Spruce-Pine-Fir (SPF) refers to White Spruce, Engelmann Spruce, Lodgepole Pine and Subalpine Fir, all having common characteristics and properties. SPF?s strength, light weight, ease of handling and woodworking properties has made it a popular wood for all types of framing applications in construction. SPF has great dimensional stability and strength making it a popular choice for pre-fabricated eco homes. In India SPF is recognised as a superior wood for solid door, door-frame, furniture carcassing and modular housing.
COSTAA American Southern Yellow Pine Softwood
Southern Pine grows in a wide geographic belt, stretching from East Texas through Virginia. The name Southern Pine, or Southern Yellow Pine, is representative of a group of four principal tree species: longleaf, shortleaf, loblolly, and slash. Lumber from all four species is marketed as Southern Pine and graded in accordance with the grading rules of the Southern Pine Inspection Bureau (SPIB), approved by the American Lumber Standard Committee (ALSC). The natural characteristics that distinguish Southern Pine as a most versatile building material are:
COSTAA German Sylvestris Pine and Spruce Pine Softwood
The basic properties of spruce and pine are similar in, for example, the long fibers and strength in relation to weight. Differences come up in cell structure: the cell wall in pine sapwood does not close completely, enabling fluid to move freely. This makes chemical treatments like impregnation of pine sapwood possible.
In the heartwood of spruce and pine, the cell wall closes completely and it blocks or complicates movement of fluid. Due to lesser water absorption, spruce and pine heartwood have good weathering resistance in comparison to pine sapwood.
COSTAA Meghalaya Pine Softwood
Meghalaya pine heartwood is an even, light brown to chestnut brown colour, the sapwood is creamy white. Resin canals are present as fine brown lines in the latewood part of the growth rings, especially on radial surfaces, and these can be a handy means of identification. Texture is fine but uneven.
The contrast in colour and texture between early and latewood bands (growth rings) in flat-sawn timber is relatively moderate compared with other pines and conifer species. The veneer has a moderate-to-high lustre. Common features in most Pinus species, including Meghalaya pine, are: knots, cone stem holes and pine-needle flecks. Meghalaya pine is a versatile and readily available timber, suitable for a wide variety of end-use applications. It produces wood that is very acceptable to the construction industry. The bark is rich in tannins and suitable for use in the manufacture of adhesives; it also contains some wax, which may have possible use in water repellents. It is suitable for framing, industrial uses, posts, cladding, decking, interior finishes and trims, and everyday furniture. Meghalaya does not begin to form heartwood until it is about 15 years old and forms it at the rate of one ring every two years. Most of the wood, therefore, is easy-to-dry and easy-to-treat sapwood. This is an advantage over many Northern Hemisphere conifers, which are largely heartwood.
COSTAA Face Veneers
The first choice for great first impressions!
Excellent consistency in quality and uniformity of thickness define our Face Veneers which are used by Plywood, Block Board and Flush Door manufacturers throughout the country to add that great first look to their range of products.
COSTAA Core Veneers
Get into the heart of the matter, with quality as the priority!
Quality of Core Veneer decides the actual strength and durability of Plywoods. Hence, we choose it from hardwoods like Birch, Makdi Sal and Makai that are not only durable for the long haul, but suits the Indian climatic conditions the best!
COSTAA Engineered Solid Wood Flooring
COSTAA Engineered Solid Wood Flooring has a surface layer made of different strips of wood bonded together to form one single plank. These stris can differ in shade, rusticity (the number of knots and natural imperfections) and grain style. Different strips within the planks may have different cut, or sourced from a different part of the tree, but belong to the same species of wood giving a diverse look, yet not mismatched. The beauty of Engineered Solid Wood Flooring is that you get dramatic, multi-piece look with the ease of installing a wide plank, long board floor. There will be no warping, cracking, expansion and contraction.
COSTAA Stained Solid Wood Flooring
COSTAA Stained Solid Wood Floor gives a fresh and timeless look to the floor, which makes it desirable. Every wooden floor is unique. We use different stain for each wooden floor so that one you chose might differ from the samples given bellow.
MAXON Veneer Door NC – 01
MAXON Veneer Door is made of thin covering of slices of wood that are typically pasted on top of Flush Door. The beauty of the door comes from the rich grains of wood. This makes the wood with rich grain expensive. The technology of Veneers prepares thin slices ofwood so that the grains of the wood are obtained. These slices are then pasted on top of less expensive wood blocks i.e. Flush Door which are available in abundance hence achieving the desired finish at low cost.
MAXON Veneer Door NC – 02
MAXON Veneer Door is made of thin covering of slices of wood that are typically pasted on top of Flush Door. The beauty of the door comes from the rich grains of wood. This makes the wood with rich grain expensive. The technology of Veneers prepares thin slices ofwood so that the grains of the wood are obtained. These slices are then pasted on top of less expensive wood blocks i.e. Flush Door which are available in abundance hence achieving the desired finish at low cost.
MAXON Veneer Door NC – 03
MAXON Veneer Door is made of thin covering of slices of wood that are typically pasted on top of Flush Door. The beauty of the door comes from the rich grains of wood. This makes the wood with rich grain expensive. The technology of Veneers prepares thin slices ofwood so that the grains of the wood are obtained. These slices are then pasted on top of less expensive wood blocks i.e. Flush Door which are available in abundance hence achieving the desired finish at low cost.