OWI MULTISET 5 Textured Seat Shells

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Product Description:

  • Seat and back made of Polypropylene.
  • Mulitset has been designed for continuous use.
  • It has proven its suitability in everyday school life for decades
  • It is lightweight, easy to clean and ergonomically shaped
  • The fine surface texture provides scratch and slide resistance
  • Mulitset is available in 3 different sizes: 1, 3 and 5
  • optional: UV-stabilized for outdoor use

As a fully integrated provider, our services range from development to serial production. We are the only manufacturer in Germany to offer both wood and plastic parts, so we can choose the right material to meet your needs and come up with variations within a product line.

All our customers receive a bespoke and personalized service. Expert and committed staff, together with a process of continuous improvement, are your guarantee of quality at the highest level. And of course, if you have your own individual requirements, we’ll be happy to meet those too.

OWI is a family-run SME. It is our values, and the obligation to secure the future of the company for future generations, that ensure our strategy is focused on the long term. We aim to balance innovation with continuity. We seek to create solid, reliable partnerships in everything we do.

Luftbild OWI LohrOur goal is to produce cost-effective products and services that not only meet but exceed our customers’ expectations. And of course we want to make a profit. As the basis for our future development, our invested capital has to provide an appropriate return.

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