Design Debate’s striking second act in Ahmedabad

Design Debate is a constructive multi-city debate series which builds on contested topics in the field such as Aesthetics vs Economics, curated to be interactive and knowledge-led. And the second time it visited Ahmedabad on 12th March 2023 was exactly that! It gave a lot of food for thought and invited interest not only from the panelists but also from the audience.

The debate kicked off with a rousing opening address from Indrajeet Saoji, Group Publishing Director of ITP Media Group and a heart-warming welcome note from Saumen Bhaumik, Head – Specification Sales and Lighting Application, Signify Innovations India. Provided a succinct overview of the partner brands, Manoj Kumar, Lead Specification Sales & Lighting Application, West Region, Signify Innovations India followed by Krishnadev Gohil, Regional Manager – Gujarat & Rajasthan, ICA Pidilite took to the stage, delivering excellent presentations.

And then the esteemed curator and moderator, one who needs no introduction – Architect Yatin Pandya, Head Architect, Footprints E.A.R.T.H – took to the stage. A force field in the industry, he was recognized for his immense contributions both to the fraternity and as the curator of the event, following which he set the context for the evening.

With a poignant presentation that was at times funny, at times satirical, and insightful throughout, Ar. Pandya underscored the relevance of the theme of the evening with a spectrum of pertinent questions – “Are aesthetics and economics indeed an opposition? Or have they just evolved together with respect to each other? Is architecture really an outcome of economics, aesthetics or just a perceived version of both? Is aesthetics a premium, or is it an integral part of architectural services? Is aesthetics about visual appeal or experiential engagement, is it a framework for order in designs or just a thing of beauty?” These and many more set the stage perfectly for the panel discussions, where after a brief visual introduction to each of the panellists’ work, they took to the stage.

The captivating Doyens panel kicks off the evening’s discourse (L-R): Moderator Yatin Pandya, Footprints E.A.R.T.H; Snehal Shah, Founder and MD, Essteam Design Services; Hiren Patel, Founder, Hiren Patel Architects (HPA); Kunal Patel, Director, KMP Design and Strategic Consulting; Niraj Shah, Design Director, ido Design; Saumen Bhaumik, Head – Specification Sales & Lighting Application, Signify Innovation India

Kicking off with the Doyens panel, composed of Hiren Patel, Founder, Hiren Patel Architects (HPA); Kunal Patel, Director, KMP Design and Strategic Consulting; Niraj Shah, Design Director, ido Design; Saumen Bhaumik, Head – Specification Sales & Lighting Application, Signify Innovation India; and Snehal Shah, Founder and MD, Essteam Design Services.

Hiren divulged that to him, “Architecture is about the beauty of creating something that is timeless and as well as prioritizing functionality. And that is where aesthetics comes in, not just as a superficial façade but with more depth in its meaning and contribution.”

Kunal shines a spotlight on global work, saying “The world out there has already moved many steps ahead and is in a state of refinement. They have reached a balanced plane while we are still managing the chaos.  The first threshold then, is to realise we are service providers. And one must realise that the architect also has a larger role to play in any project. We are an integrator of various disciplines, and the balance manifests through judicious choices taken by the architect, and that dictates which way the project sways.”

Niraj casts a new light on the debate, mentioning “Everything we are looking at today is contextual. And today, the context is based on aspirations. If a design needs to sell today, it must be aspired for. If there is an aspiration, there is a WTP (willingness to pay) which determines the economics, and vice-versa. The aesthetic and economics are thus absolutely interconnected, because even if something is already pre-designed in a particular manner, it must also sell in that manner.”

The indomitable Doyens panel was felicitated on stage by Veeresh Malhan, Chief of Sales, ICA Pidilite; and Chandrashekhar Sawant, Zonal Sales Head, Bostik India

Saumen notes that “In experiential design, the aesthetic is not just physical. Particularly in the segment of office lighting, health and well-being are not limited only to the aesthetics, but also to the experience of it. But it depends per project, government projects lean more towards economics, including operational costs.”  

Snehal drew from his college days, elaborating that “There are paradigms about what good aesthetics are and what the philosophy of architecture is. We start practising while holding onto these strong notions. Over time, one understands the dynamics of running an office, handling a client. At that point, both matter, but one has to finally look at what the aspiration is and how well you can deliver that.”

Following this enriching discourse, Deepanand Bundi – Product Manager-Construction & Consumer, Bostik, presented an interesting presentation spelling out the offerings of the brand, leading into the next segment of the evening, the dynamic Next-Gen panel discussion. A host of dynamic young architects took their seats on stage – Himanshu Patel, Founder, d6thD Studio; Kalapi Buch, Principal Architect, Sfurna Designs; Kartik Bijlani, CEO, KBA Designs; Ronak Patel, Principal Architect, Vipul Patel Architects (VPA); and Veeresh Malhan, Chief of Sales, ICA Pidilite.

The young and dynamic Next-Gen panel makes poignant points (L-R): Moderator Yatin Pandya, Footprints E.A.R.T.H, Kartik Bijlani, CEO, KBA Designs; Kalapi Buch, Principal Architect, Sfurna Designs; Himanshu Patel, Founder, d6thD Studio; Ronak Patel, Principal Architect, Vipul Patel Architects (VPA); Veeresh Malhan, Chief of Sales, ICA Pidilite

Himanshu believes that of the entire design process, about 10% is to execute aesthetics, and that is often part of the reason why the architect is hired. 90% of the design can be executed to functional perfection even without the architect, which is why bringing in an eye for aesthetics is paramount as an architect.

Kalapi, oozing passion for the field, illustrates “It is a big responsibility that you carry on your shoulders as an architect. At my firm, we brought in a design language that is grounded in the country’s wisdom while appealing to the world at large. And despite the aesthetic flair, these designs, so often rooted in old construction techniques, cost far lesser to execute than expected.”

Kartik shines a light on the larger picture and the factor of time, elucidating “In any design process, I focus on the long-span, the start to end. As designers, we need to stick with what we have envisioned at the beginning of the process, no matter how long it takes to end. Here, factoring in innovations at a later stage makes the process extremely important, thus altering perhaps the economics in favour of a better design.”

The Next-Gen panel was felicitated on stage by Bibhor Srivastava, ITP Media India and Mayur Maru, Territory Manager-Specification, Hafele

Ronak stated, “Aesthetics has become a mandate, it is a necessity that comes with the project or product you have designed. It is then followed with a system or process that you apply, and the final result has to be something that is pleasing to look at since your eyes are the first layer of perception at play.”

Veeresh brings in a fresh view from a product perspective, stating “When we say sustainability is the need of the hour, is there a price to that sustainability? Is there a price to aesthetics? At the end of the day, a product or design has to serve all its purposes, be it durability, functionality, sustainability etc. while adding value to the design of the architect, and the requirements of the client. My purpose is to enhance the design, not design it.”

A perfect ode to the stunning architecture as well as the sheer diversity of projects, mindsets and scale, the panels of multifaceted speakers touched upon topics that delved into the heart of design in Ahmedabad. With the architects of the city getting together to witness this tete-e-tete that was bound to captivate, Design Debate – Ahmedabad Edition was a resounding success. You can catch the entire session right here!.

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